Why do yoga?
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Why do yoga?

Yoga offers a multitude of physical, mental, and emotional benefits for practitioners of all ages and fitness levels. From increased flexibility and strength to stress reduction and improved mental clarity, yoga provides a holistic approach to overall well-being. Engaging in a regular yoga practice can help individuals enhance their physical health, cultivate mindfulness, manage stress, and foster a deeper connection between mind and body.

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What is yoga?
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

What is yoga?

Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. It aims to promote overall health and well-being by improving flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as reducing stress and anxiety. Through the practice of yoga, individuals can cultivate mindfulness, self-awareness, and inner peace.

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Yoga Basics - Standing Balance Poses for Beginners!
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Yoga Basics - Standing Balance Poses for Beginners!

Welcome to Standing Balance Poses for Beginners! If you are new to yoga or just want to work on your balance... practice these yoga poses! Incorporate these into your daily morning or evening routine: Tree Pose, One Legged Mountain, Royal Dancer, Dancing Shiva, One Legged Chair, Warrior III and Half Moon.

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Yoga Basics - Gentle Hip and Back Openers
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Yoga Basics - Gentle Hip and Back Openers

Your hips carry a lot of tension and stress. By gently opening your hips, you can unlock emotional build up and/or blockage within. Learn how poses such as Plow Pose, Happy Baby, Garland Pose, Child’s Pose and a Standing Forward Fold can start this release to improve your day, as well as your overall wellbeing!

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Yoga Basics - The Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana)
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Yoga Basics - The Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana)

Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana) are the most common and recognizable poses in yoga. But do you know how they benefit your mental and physical health? Learn the benefits of Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Warrior 3, Reverse Warrior, Humble Warrior and Lightning Warrior here!

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YOGA ELEMENTS: Fire. Water. Earth. Air.
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

YOGA ELEMENTS: Fire. Water. Earth. Air.

Fire. Water. Earth. Air. These are just some of the elements you will find within your yoga practice on and off the mat. What element are you most in line with? What type of workout do you prefer? Learn more here.

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What’s a Chakra?
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

What’s a Chakra?

Chakra means “wheel.” This wheel refers to energy points throughout your body. These are thought to be spinning disks of energy which need to stay open and aligned because they feed and talk to your bundles of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body affecting our emotional state and physical wellbeing.

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Sun Salutation A and B … What are they?
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Sun Salutation A and B … What are they?

Some days all your body needs is a basic Sun Salutation. Something to relax your mind while allowing only your breath to guide you through. Sun A and Sun B are basic yoga sequences but even if you're an advanced yogi, you need this to clear out your soul. If this is you today, give this a go. Just remember to BREATHE.

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  Reflecting on Your “Highs” & “Lows”
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Reflecting on Your “Highs” & “Lows”

Years ago, I was working on a film in New Orleans and would carpool to/from set with a very good friend of mine. At the end of each day she would make us pick our “high” and “low” of that day. Sometimes the lows were a lot easier to identify, but even if it took us the entire 45-minute drive back to the hotel we would have to come up with a high.

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16 Yoga Poses Named After Animals (and what they all represent)
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

16 Yoga Poses Named After Animals (and what they all represent)

Explore some of yoga's most iconic poses named and inspired by animals. We will break them down by Land, Air and Sea and then further explore their benefits, symbolism and meaning. We will include such poses as UPWARD FACING & DOWNWARD FACING DOG, LIZARD POSE, SCORPION POSE, DOLPHIN POSE, CROW POSE, PIGEON and many more!

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Let’s Talk About Criticisms
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Let’s Talk About Criticisms

Criticisms are sometimes tough to hear. However, criticisms from friends, family, coaches, colleagues, etc. are not a bad thing. Criticisms are insightful. Criticisms can teach you something about yourself and about the other person. Criticisms allow you to ponder why you do the things the way you do. Criticisms are an opportunity for growth.

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Bloom Where You’re Planted
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Bloom Where You’re Planted

Many times we hear yogis talk about how you handle yourself on the mat is how you will handle yourself off the mat. Most of us just smile and nod at this idea. I challenge you to look at your yoga practice and find that connection with your life off your mat. And if you don’t practice yoga… why not? And analyze that reasoning?

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Coffee Free, Moved to Tea
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Coffee Free, Moved to Tea

For over a year, spanning from 2018 to 2019, I was very sick. Nothing life threatening in the slightest, but I had a cough with phylum that wouldn’t stop. I chalked it up to the long hours I was putting in at work, moving from London to Texas, and all the in between traveling...

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An Epic Battle of Truth vs. Ego – The Meaning Behind the Warrior Poses
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

An Epic Battle of Truth vs. Ego – The Meaning Behind the Warrior Poses

The Warrior poses can easily be the most iconic standing postures in yoga; ironically the mythology behind the pose itself (aka virabhadrasana), at face value, doesn’t seem like a very “yogi type” story. The story centers around a love between two gods who’s unconditional love for one another was not met by the girl’s father. The father greatly disapproved of the man his daughter fell for...

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Drishti - Finding Your Focus
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Drishti - Finding Your Focus

Drishti (also known as focus or gaze) is a very common word heard in yoga. Not only will your teacher ask you to focus on a fixed point on the wall in front of you, or on spot at the front of your mat, to encourage stabilization in your balancing poses, but we are often told to practice drishti off our mat. What does that mean?

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Humble Beginnings – The Lotus Flower
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Humble Beginnings – The Lotus Flower

The lotus flower comes from very humble beginnings. The seed is planted at the bottom of these mucky waters, takes root and then starts it’s search for the sun. Once the journey to the surface is complete, the blooming lotus is careful not to let it’s enamoring petals touch the mucky water – always reaching for fresh air and the sun’s empowering light.

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Intro to Hammer and Flow Yoga
Jessica Derhammer Jessica Derhammer

Intro to Hammer and Flow Yoga

What is Yoga? How do I begin, jumpstart or advance my yoga journey? From Power Yoga to Yin Yoga to general encouragement & support, Hammer and Flow Yoga is just one of many resources you can use. In addition to this informative website, I provide free yoga videos on YouTube as well as general yoga tips on my Instagram. All accessible via this website. Enjoy!

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