Yoga Basics - The Warrior Poses (Virabhadrasana)

Benefits of Warrior Poses

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana I)

Warrior 1 

Sanskrit Name: Virabhadrasana I

Improves your balance & posture.

Strengthens your feet, ankles, calves & thigh muscles.

Improves mobility in your shoulders and hip joints.

Tip: Instead of relaxing into your lower back ,compressing your lower vertebra, pull up from your tailbone through the crown of your head - creating space in your lower spine.

Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)

Warrior 2

Sanskrit Name: Virabhadrasana II

Opens your hips & shoulders.

Stretches your inner thighs, groin, & chest.

Strengthens your legs, abs, and arms.

Tip: Instead of relaxing your belly, pull your navel up & in then draw your shoulder blades down/back.

BONUS TIP: Take a wider stance to protect your front knee creating a box shape with your front leg & the floor.

Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana III)

Warrior 3

Sanskrit Name: Virabhadrasana III

Strengthens your legs, arms, back & core muscles.

Improves your balance by strengthening the small muscles around your feet & ankles.

Improves your focus.

Tip: Instead of hyperextending your standing leg, allow a micro bend. This help your balance, and protect your knee.

Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Reverse Warrior

Sanskrit Name: Viparita Virabhadrasana

Opens your heart & side body.

Stretches your intercostal muscles around the ribs allowing for a freer, deeper breath.

Increases your mobility in hips & stretches the inner thighs.

Strengthens your legs and core.

Tip: If you feel wobbly or if you have a sensitive neck, instead of looking up towards your raised hand, look down towards your back foot.

Humble Warrior (Baddha Virabhadrasana)

Humble Warrior

Sanskrit Name: Baddha Virabhadrasana

Eases stress by relaxing your mind.

Encourages fresh blood to your brain.

Stretches your neck, arms, shoulders, hips, psoas & back muscles.

Strengthens your leg muscles.

Tip: If your shoulders are tight, instead of interlacing your fingers at the base of your spine, grab your opposite elbows.

Lightning Warrior

Lightning Warrior

Lengthens your hamstrings & back muscles.

Strengthens the posterior chain of you body (the back body) and your quads.

Improves your posture.

Tip: Instead of resting your belly on your front thigh, pull your navel up and in creating light between your upper thigh and belly.

BONUS TIP: If a Warrior 1 back foot puts too much pressure on your knee or hip, lift your heel to the ball mount of your foot (High Crescent legs instead if Warrior 1 legs)


Yoga Basics - Gentle Hip and Back Openers


YOGA ELEMENTS: Fire. Water. Earth. Air.