YOGA ELEMENTS: Fire. Water. Earth. Air.

Fire. Water. Earth. Air.
These are just some of the elements you will find within your yoga practice on and off the mat.
What element are you most in line with?
What type of workout do you prefer?
Learn more here.
Fire Element
What is it?
The Fire Element (Agni) in your yoga class will create heat inside of your body more quickly and will hold that internal heat until the very end. You will experience a lot of standing postures, long holds and inversions. Fire represents the element of change, confidence and transformation. You will walk out of fiery yoga classes feeling different than when you walked in ‑ feeling physical and emotional sensations which you were not privy to before. You will experience fire in a lot of Power Yoga classes.
The Person
Fiery people are known for passion, ambition, confidence and dominance. They do not give up and are fierce in what they want and believe. They may try to cover up their emotions due to their toughness, and hate feeling vulnerable. They are very giving and generous by nature and forgive a lot quicker than people may think.
Water Element
What is it?
The Water Element (Apah, Jala) in your yoga practice is exactly how you would imagine. Your sequence and your body flows like water, seamlessly transitioning from one pose to the next. A water-based yoga class pumps fresh water/blood through your veins. Water is a magical life source with incredible healing and cleansing powers. A yoga class themed around the water element also encourages fluidity of breath with pose ‑ very commonly known as a vinyasa flow.
The Person
Water-based people are known to be sensitive, emotional and imaginative. They will have compassion and room in their hearts for everyone. They rule with their big hearts, but need to remember to take time for themselves. Like water; their emotions can run very deep, but they gain a lot of insight and strength from what they feel.
The Pose(s)
Some Water Element (Apah, Jala) poses include:
Low Lung Crescent Moon (Anjaneyasana)
½ Pigeon
Bound Angle Pose
Bridge or supported bridge
Or try these small transitions:
Low Lunge to Half Split (repeat)
Warrior I to Humble Warrior (repeat)
3‑Leg Downward Dog to Plank Knee to Nose
Extended Side Angle to Skandasana (back of your mat) (repeat)
Earth Element
What is it?
The Earth Element (Prithvi) in your yoga class will focus on grounding poses, and building a solid base from the earth below — creating a strong connection between the ground and your body. During an earth centered practice you’ll feel supported and stable, keeping as much connection to your mat as possible. If you have a scattered day, or having trouble focusing on tasks at hand, you will benefit from this style of practice. You can experience a lot of grounding in a yin practice, as well as many other types of yoga.
The Person
Earthy people are known to be dependable, practical and grounded. They know how to get things done. They rule the world with logic and poise. They can be stubborn but it’s in effort to stay true to themselves as well as their goals.
The Pose(s)
Some Earth Element (Prithvi) poses include:
Warrior I
Warrior II
Eagle Pose
Mountain Pose (Tadasana).
Downward‑Facing Dog
Head‑to‑Knee Seated Forward Fold
Hero Pose
Lotus Pose
Supine Twist
Child’s Pose
Corpse Pose / Final Rest (Savasana) ‑ everyone’s favorite pose.
Air Element
What is it?
The Air Element (Vayu) in your yoga class focuses on creating space in your body. You will open your chest / ribcage to create room for fresh air, fresh life. You will end class feeling more open in your front body. An airy practice can look a lot like a water one but you’re standing a bit taller (more in the air) letting the wind take your sails. This style of class will also encourage you to look up, improves your posture and allows you to feel lighter on the earth. If you feel a little “stuck in the mud” and find yourself in a rut, this style of yoga class would be very beneficial to you.
The Person
Airy people are intellectual, smart thinking and analytical. They know how to critically think through every problem to ensure the best possible outcome. They live life using their heads, constantly coming up with ideas.
The Pose(s)
Some Air Element (Vayu) Poses include:
Fallen Triangle
Bow Pose
Camel Pose
Locust Pose with Clasped Hands
Flip Dog or Wild Thing
Or try these small transitions:
Airplane to 1‑leg Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
3‑Leg Downward Facing Dog to Fallen Triangle
Dancing Shiva to (via 1‑let Tadasana) Royal Dancer
½ Moon to (via 1‑let Tadasana) Dancing Shiva