What’s a Chakra?
Do you ever feel stuck in a rut? Like there's something blocking your energy for that day?
Do you ever find it difficult to be motivated? Like you’d rather stay on your couch than do something creative or outdoors, even though being unproductive doesn’t make you feel fulfilled at the end of the day?
Or maybe you have had weird physical sensations within your body? A discomfort that has come out of nowhere?
Have you ever considered there may be a block of the energy flowing within your body? A communication breakdown?
Now, have you ever had the thought, “Oh, I should look into my chakras to see if they are blocked"?
If you’ve experienced any of the above and you haven’t ever considered a chakra blockage, then this article is for you!
What are chakras?
Chakra means “wheel.” This wheel refers to energy points throughout your body. These are thought to be spinning disks of energy which need to stay open and aligned because they feed and talk to your bundles of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body affecting our emotional state and physical wellbeing.
There is thought to be 114 of these spinning wheels of energy within the human body. However there are only 7 main chakras which span from the base of your pelvic floor thru to the space right above your head. These are the 7 we will be focusing on for this series.
Below we will look at each of the 7 chakras and learn their…
1. Location on your body
2. Representing Element
3. Corresponding Color
4. Their Function
5. Associated Affirmations
6. Physical Issues (if blocked)
7. Emotional Issues (if blocked)
8. And lastly, Yoga Poses to UNBLOCK them!
We’ll start from the bottom (Root Chakra, base of the spine) and work up top (Crown Chakra, slightly above the crown of your head).
Location: Base of the spine (coccyx/tailbone), pelvic floor
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Function: Physical identity, stability, grounding, supported, feeling safe
Affirmations: I am grounded, I am safe, I am secure. My needs are always met and I live a life of abundance.
Physical Issues (if blocked): Dysfunctions in your digestive system – colon, bladder, bowel movements, issues with the prostate, possible leg, knee and foot problems
Emotional Issues (if blocked): Anxiety, phobias – usually centered around finances, basic needs and overall well-being, insecurity
Yoga Poses to Unblock This Chakra:
1. Seated Wide-Legged Forward Fold
2. Malasana Squats
3. Mountain Pose
4. Happy Baby
5. Bound-Angle Pose
Location: Above the pubic bone, Below the navel
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Function: Sexuality, creativity, overall feeling of pleasure, joy
Affirmations: I am emotionally balanced. I have a comfortable and safe relationship with those you love me.
Physical Issues (if blocked): Reproductive system, urinary tract and kidney infections, lower back pain, impotency
Emotional Issues (if blocked): Depression, lack of self-worth, eating disorders, loss of a healthy sexual drive, uninspired creativity, self-pity
Yoga Poses to Unblock This Chakra:
1. Seated Forward Fold
2. Bridge Pose
3. Downward Facing Dog
4. Warrior II
5. Goddess Pose
Location: At the center of the abdomen, above the navel and below the sternum
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Function: Self-esteem, confidence, source of individual power
Affirmations: I am powerful. I am confident yet graceful. I am fully in control of my own life.
Physical Issues (if blocked): Digestive disorders including gall bladder and liver issues, ulcers, diabetes, gas, heartburn, indigestion
Emotional Issues (if blocked): Low self-esteem, addiction, codependency, lack of self-confidence and knowledge of your own power, often turn to self-sabotage as a defense mechanism
Yoga Poses to Unblock This Chakra:
1. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
2. Triangle Pose
3. Cobra Pose
4. Upward Facing Dog
5. Dancers Pose
Location: Center of the chest – what we refer to as “heart center” in a yoga class, between your two lungs.
Element: Air
Color: Green
Function: Trust, forgiveness, love, compassion, ability to connect with others
Affirmations: I am worthy. I am enough. I am able to give and receive love unconditionally. I am at peace with myself and calm within my heart.
Physical Issues (if blocked): Weak immune system, heart problems, asthma, weight issues, respiratory and lung issues, upper back pain
Emotional Issues (if blocked): PTSD, depression, grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, rejection or getting hurt, discontentment with yourself and others
Yoga Poses to Unblock This Chakra:
1. Mountain Pose (hands clasp behind you)
2. Sphinx Pose
3. Puppy Pose
4. Wild Thing
5. Wheel
Location: Throat and neck
Element: Ether
Color: Blue
Function: Communication
Affirmations: I am able to communicate my truth clearly and with ease. I am a compassionate listener as well as a confident speaker. I listen fully and completely, while allowing others to also hear my voice and honor my feelings.
Physical Issues (if blocked): Thyroid problems, neck pain, dental issues, voice and throat problems
Emotional Issues (if blocked): Social anxiety, fear of speech/speaking, holds in their feelings, cannot express needs/thoughts/fears, has troubles speaking their mind, OR the opposite extreme…. dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking
Yoga Poses to Unblock This Chakra:
1. Easy Pose with Assistant Neck Stretches
2. Supported Fish Pose (with yoga blocks or meditation cushion)
3. Knees, Chest, Chin Pose
4. Standing Forward Fold
5. Supported Shoulder Stand
Location: Center of the forehead, between the eyebrows
Element: Light
Color: Indigo
Function: Intuition, imagination
Affirmations: I trust myself and my intuition to guide down the correct path. My thoughts and vision are clear. My mind and eyes are healthy. I am a light which shines brightly. I am imaginative and my thoughts have no boundaries.
Physical Issues (if blocked): Headaches, insomnia, vision or hearing problems, sinus issues, limited concentration
Emotional Issues (if blocked): Lack of mental clarity, feeling of being overwhelmed and anxious, dismissive, difficultly in seeing the bigger picture, very opinionated
Yoga Poses to Unblock This Chakra:
1. Childs Pose
2. Crocodile Pose
3. Legs Up the Wall Pose
4. Supported Butterfly Pose
5. Dolphin Pose
Location: Slightly above the crown of the head.
Element: Thought
Color: Violet
Function: Awareness, intelligence, connection to a higher power – a divine source, enlightenment
Affirmations: I am complete and perfect as I am. I know my life has a purpose. I know my life’s purpose extends beyond myself and earthly concerns. My mission in this life is impactful.
Physical Issues (if blocked): Frequent migraines or headaches, extreme fatigue
Emotional Issues (if blocked): Narrow-minded, skeptical, stubborn, obsessive behavior, self-obsessed, arrogant, proud, addiction, delusion, overall unhappiness and/or contentment – feeling like you’re in a rut
Yoga Poses to Unblock This Chakra:
1. Savasana (with supported knee bend)
2. Tree Pose
3. Extended Side Angle Pose
4. Half Moon Pose
5. Headstand