L. O. V. E. Do you know what it stands for?

Photo by Mark Brennan

Photo by Mark Brennan

I was driving home from my evening yoga class at Wanderlust Yoga Downtown when I came to a stoplight before a freeway on-ramp. A wandering man washing people’s car windows for money approached my car. I had my window down so told him I was sorry to say I had zero cash to give. And yes it was the honest truth - I truly had nothing, not even a full bottle of water.

To my surprise he looked at me and said, “I’m not after your cash - you need to just let me show my love. (Short beat) Do you know what love stands for? (Then spells out) L. O. V. E.?”

I was taken back at this question. What was he getting at? Was it a trick question?

He then paused, looked at me in the eye and asked again spelling out the word. “L. O. V. E… Do you know what it stands for?”

I was still confused as to what the “correct” answer should be, so I remained frozen just staring at him blankly.

Then he said, “LOVE stands for.... Let. Others. Voice. Emotion.”

Right then the timing got all too cinematic - in one simultaneous sweep, I was speechless and overcome with emotion, he was done washing my window, the light turned green, and I had to go. He said “God bless you beautiful child” and I quickly said “God bless you too” and that was it. I didn’t even get his name.

I looked for him the next day driving home from class again. No sign of him. Even his handmade, cardboard sign attached to a post saying “You Matter” was gone.

I think about that moment often. The meaning of love really is to allow others to express their emotion no matter how you slice it. And also, is probably one of the toughest things about love, especially during times like these (an election year in a worldwide pandemic with social justice issues while approaching the holidays with most likely more financial issues than the year before).

This man, living in a tent community under the I-35 freeway, summed up the meaning of love better than most.

If you live in the Austin area and happened to have met this guy by the I-35 onramp near 7th Street, please let me know if you were able to get his name. I would like to be able to attach a name to this memory.

Let’s all remember his definition of love & do it.

Much love and gratitude,



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