Reflecting on Your “Highs” & “Lows”


Years ago, I was working on a film in New Orleans and would carpool to/from set with a very good friend of mine. At the end of each day she would make us pick our “high” and “low” of that day. Sometimes the lows were a lot easier to identify, but even if it took us the entire 45-minute drive back to the hotel we would have to come up with a high.

Sometimes this conversation led to hysterical laughing. Sometimes it led to tears. But it always led to relief and refuge at the end of a long day. Even after the most horrible days, we could reflect on something good, and on the most incredible days, we could take pleasure knowing that the good outweighed the bad.

I have continued this tradition in my own home, as well with friends, family and colleagues.

It doesn’t matter if I’m driving the country roads in America, riding the Shinkansen in Japan, or off-roading the desert trails of Jordan – I always like try to a create space for myself and others to reflect, to decompress, to wrap up the day’s events remembering what was good and what we need to let go.

You may realize without your low you wouldn’t have experienced your high, and without realizing your high you might be weighed down by your low.

**My challenge for you is to ask someone - a partner, a roommate, a co-worker - their HIGH and LOW at the end of each day this coming week. Then let them speak. You might be amazed what it does for you and them.**

Much love and gratitude,



L. O. V. E. Do you know what it stands for?


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